


12 E. Locust Street
Oxford, PA 19363

Monday - Friday, 9am-3pm

Closed for major holidays
and inclement weather










February 2025

This past year we had to say goodbye to many of our friends, some through death, others moving away. Remember, we at the Center are here for you. Keep us informed if you are in need of support. Lone Ranger only made it in the movies!!

If you have any questions about your health insurance coverage, please call me. If you are not happy with Medicare Advantage Plan, you have until March 31st to disenroll. Call for an appointment. Remember, Medicare now covers shingles shots for free & covered insulin products now have a $35/mo copayment cap that started January 1, 2023.

You need to pay attention to any letter you receive from insurance, Pace, etc. Putting it off has cost some a lot of money and grief. I’m never too busy and nothing is too insignificant for me to look at what you have. That’s why I’m here - to serve you. Call to set up one-on-one appointments. We’ve been advised of a phone scam in the area, a man claiming to be an insurance agent for their Part D Plan. To avoid falling victim to this type of scam, remember these important tips:

  • Protect - Never give out personal information to unsolicited callers
  • Detect - Know that Medicare and/or private Part D plans would never ask for your bank account number. If they do, it’s a red flag.
  • Report - If you receive a similar call or would like to report a scam, call the Senior Medicare Patrol at CARIE. A real person will answer your call, no buttons to push or menus to follow.

Senior Medicare Patrol at CARIE 1-800-356-3606

IDENTITY THEFT is increasing so follow these steps: 1) Never give sensitive info on the phone; 2) Use strong & unique passwords; 3) Monitor your credit file; 4) Don’t open suspicious links!; 5) Keep important documents in a safe place, don’t carry social security card with you!!; 6) Set up a fraud alert or credit freeze for additional protection.

With the new year comes the time to clean out those bill drawers and get ready for Income Tax Preparation. For some, all you’ll need is info to prepare your Rent/Tax Rebate form. Income amounts have recently been increased to $46,520. Be sure to have all your income forms and a stamped paid copy of your 2024 tax bill. If you’ve filed before, you’ll receive an application booklet in the mail. Your tax preparer is able to file it for you using your 2024 income information. Many of you are not required to file a federal tax return (IRS) but the Commonwealth of PA still hasn’t revised it’s system. Even though you probably won’t owe anything, the return must still be filed.

This is a good month to remember to get heart checkups, survey your cupboards for heart healthy foods and show up for SilverSneakers on Zoom. Perhaps give up junk food for Lent — start a new habit — it just may stick! Don’t forget your Valentine this month, and if you don’t have one, do something for someone who is alone and/or lonely.



Chester County Food Bank
Chester County Senior Food Box Program (CCSFBP)

Is a county funded program that helps seniors gain access to nutritious foods so they can better improve their health.

If you or someone you know is at least 60 yrs. old and has low income, please register for the CCSFBP box that is available to qualifying seniors each month.

Each box may contain packaged fruit, non-perishable proteins, vegetables, carbyhydraes & dairy!!

Proof of age is required at sign up. There is no charge for this food. If you qualify then CCSFBP Box can be picked up the 1st Monday of every month between 1:00-3:00pm.




Commodity Supplemental Food Program

What do you need to know to be eligible?

  • If you are 60 years of age or older.
  • If your total household income is below 130%.
    • Household 1 person: Monthly income $1,632
    • Household 2 people: Monthly income $2,215

What will you receive in the food box

  • FRUITS & JUICES: 1 juice & 3 fruits or 1 juice, 2 fruits, 1 raisin
  • VEGETABLES: 6-8 vegetables & dehydrated potatoes
  • CHEESE: 2-pound block
  • MILK: 2 UHT milk –32 oz each
  • MEAT, POULTRY & FISH: 1 beef or 1 chili & 1 poultry or fish
  • PLANT-BASED PROTEIN: 3 peanut butter, canned beans, dry beans, or lentils
  • CEREALS: 2 dry, farina, rolled oats or grits
  • PASTA & RICE: 2 pasta or white/brown rice

For more information and qualifications for either/both programs


Sally Arter

(610) 932-5244
12 East Locust Street
Oxford, PA 19363





From time to time we all know we need information but have no idea how to find answers.



The Chester County Department of Human Services is pleased to introduce Refer Web, an Information and Referral web-based application. Simply visit their website at www.chesco.org/human. Once on the site, locate the Refer Web icon, click on it and start searching.



Sally is the Center's very own Information & Assistance Specialist. Her responsibilities included helping you find the answers to your questions.




The Oxford Senior Center is a member agency of the

United Way



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